Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest                            

Heraldic family coats of arms carved in wood 

Heraldic Family Arms, shields or crest carved in wood is one of my specialties. It is always a personal challenge to be able to carve a family coat of arms or shield in wood. Heraldry is a very interesting subject and I am always looking forward to start carving a new heraldic assignment.
You get to know interesting people who captivate you with 'their' fascinating family story or history. And for me personally it is always nice to hear that they appreciate my craftsmanship and quality enormously.
Every heraldic arms is different. Usually it starts with an example as a source of inspiration provided by the client in the form of a drawing, old sketch or even a seal ring. Our clientele consists of private individuals or nobility, but it sometimes happens that the order comes from an authority, association or company.
A carved municipal and city coat of arms or shield in wood, a commemorative panel for an association or a wooden logo of a company belongs to the possibilities. We try to solve small and sometimes larger problems together with the client to achieve a special result.

Out of respect for the wishes of our national and international clients, we cannot show you all the family coats of arms in wood made by our heraldic woodcarving workshop.

Patrick Damiaens Coat of arms carved in wood | von Ramm coat of arms, Estonia carved crest arms in wood heraldry in wood

Coat of arms carved in wood |
von Ramm coat of arms, Estonia

Family coat of arms Rolandus - Hagedoorn  (The Netherlands) coat if arms carved in wood crest carved in wood heraldry wood

Family coat of arms 
Rolandus -Hagedoorn  
(The Netherlands) | coat of arms or crest carved in wood

Family coat of arms Rolandus Hagedoorn  (The Netherlands) heraldry carved in wood wood carving coat of arms custom made

Family coat of arms 
Rolandus -Hagedoorn 
(The Netherlands) | Custom made heraldry

coat of arms carved in wood | The Brück family coat of arms coat of arms custom made wooden coat of arms and crest

Coat of arms Brück, Germany

Digges coat of arms carved in wood | digges crest coat of arms made in wood

DIGGES coat of arms, USA | Coat of arms carved in limewood

Boland coat of arms carved in wood Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest  arms of Boland heraldry in wood

The Boland family coat of arms, Switzerland | 
coat of arms carved on wooden oval panel

The SIX van Hillegom family coat of arms carved on a panel (The Netherlands) Stella Duce Creation of a wooden family arms

The SIX van Hillegom family coat of arms, Netherlands
carved on a panel| 
Stella Duce

Miniature coat of arms  carved in wood |  The Odink family coat of arms,  The Netherlands Creation of a wooden family arms

Miniature coat of arms 
carved in wood | 
The Odink family coat of arms,  Netherlands

The CARDONE family coat of arms (USA) Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest custom made heraldry in wood

The CARDONE family coat of arms

The CARDONE family coat of arms (USA)  Coat of arms in wood with shieldholders Creation of a wooden family coat of arms

Heraldic achievement with shield holders carved in wood. The Cardone family coat of arms

Cornielje coat of arms carved in wood Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest   heraldry in wood

The Cornielje coat of arms (Switzerland) | 

Heraldic Family Arms or crest carved in wood 

Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest  Bonelli di Salci coat of arms carved in wood | wooden coat of arms

Bonelli di Salci coat of arms ( Italy) | Heraldic Family Arms or crest carved in wood 

Heraldic eagle carved in limewood | Crest carved in wood

Heraldic eagle carved in limewood |
Crest carved in wood

Coat of arms Steiger, a family from Germany

Coat of arms carved on a panel | Steiger, a family from Germany

CONCORDIA Peer, archery association Belgium

CONCORDIA Peer, archery association

The PETERS family from Luxembourg | Coat of arms carved in wood Civis Mundi sum

The PETERS family from Luxembourg | Coat of arms carved in wood  
Civis Mundi sum

Burschenschaft Würzburg  Emblem in wood for student association (Germany)

Burschenschaft Würzburg 
Emblem in wood for student association (Germany)

Burschenschaft Würzburg  Emblem in wood for student association (Germany)

Burschenschaft Würzburg 
Emblem in wood for student association (Germany)

Burschenschaft Würzburg  Emblem in wood for student association (Germany)

Burschenschaft Würzburg 
Emblem in wood for student association (Germany)

Family coat of arms SUNNO  (Canada), carved in limewood | Heraldry carved in wood  | Sunno crest carved into wood

Family coat of arms SUNNO  (Canada), carved in limewood

crest carved on a panel | coat of arms carved on a panel heraldry carved on a wooden plaque ZADORA

Coat of arms carved on a panel, made for a client in Dubai | ZADORA family coat of arms carved on a wooden plaque

Coat of arms in wood | Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel | ZADORA coat of arms Creation of a wooden family coat of arms

Coat of arms in wood |
Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel | ZADORA coat of arms

Heraldic lion carved in wood | heraldic shieldholder carved in wood

Heraldic lion carved in wood | Heraldry and family coat of arms carved in wood

Custom made woodcarvin of heraldry and family coat of arms

The Odink family coat of arms carved in wood 
( Netherlands)

German coat of arms craved in wood | wooden heraldry | custom made carving heraldry Incertum Quo Fata Ferunt

A wooden family coat of arms for a German client | Incertum Quo Fata Ferunt

Small coat of arms carved in walnut | Russian coat of arms carved in wood

Small coat of arms carved in walnut,  (Russia)

Small heraldic assignment carved for a Russian client Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest Heraldic family arms

Small heraldic assignment carved for a Russian client

The Vandersteen family coat of arms, Belgium Heraldry on a panel

The Vandersteen family coat of arms, Belgium
Heraldry on a panel

Heraldry on a wooden panel | The PINTO family coat of arms, Switzerland

Heraldry on a wooden panel |
The PINTO family coat of arms,

Patrick Damiaens  heraldic sculptor ornamental woodcarver woodcarving on the cover

On the cover of a heraldic magazine
( Netherlands)

German Alliance coat of arms carved in wood and gilded

German Alliance coat of arms carved in wood and gilded

The von Ramm coat of arms carved in wood

The von Ramm coat of arms carved in wood

Heraldic woodcarving at its finest Grinling gibbons style carving

Heraldic woodcarving at its finest

coat of arms carved in wood Meinhold

The Meinhold family coat of arms
(France) | Family coat of arms carved in lime wood 

Creation of a family coat of arms - crests  |                              Heraldic family coats of arms carved in wood

The ODINK family coat of arms
The Netherlands | Miniature woodcarving of a coat of arms

Creation of a family coat of arms - crests  |                              Heraldic family coats of arms carved in wood

ADAMS family coat of arms carved on a wooden panel

Creation of a family coat of arms - crests  |                              Heraldic family coats of arms carved in wood

LEPPENS family coat of arms
Belgium | Heraldic carvings in wood

Creation of a family coat of arms - crests  |                              Heraldic family coats of arms carved  in wood

Carved heraldic motto | Honor Praemium Virtutis

Discovery of a stolen heraldic sculpture | sir Nicholas Throckmorton monument in London

Discovery of a stolen heraldic sculpture  | sir Nicholas Throckmorton monument in  London

Coat of arms carved in wood and heraldry crest carved into wood | de La Montagne Luxembourg


Family coat of arms for a family from Luxembourg

Biesmans family coat of arms carved in wood

Biesmans family coat of arms carved in wood

Coat of arms carved in wood for a British client The family coat of arms carved in limewood | Coat of arms MacGregor London

 The family coat of arms carved in limewood | Coat of arms MacGregor 
(London, UK)

coat of arms with shieldholders | Coat of arms van Pallandt

The van Pallandt coat of arms

van Pallandt coat of arms carved in wood

The van Pallandt coat of arms

Gravestein  coat of arms | Coat of arms carved on a panel (The Netherlands)

Gravestein  coat of arms |
Coat of arms carved on a panel
( Netherlands)

Two small heraldic panels, carved for a US client

Two small heraldic panels, carved for a US client | Heraldic panels carved and painted

Carved panel with a coat of arms | Wooden heraldry on a panel Cord et Manu

Carved panel with a coat of arms, (France) | Corde et Manu

Coat of arms on a panel, made for a German family

Coat of arms on a panel, made for a German family

Scottish coat of arms carved in wood

Scottish coat of arms carved in wood 

AYALA coat of arms carved on a shield | Made for a Spanish client

AYALA coat of arms carved on a shield | Made for a Spanish client

AYALA coat of arms carved on a shield  The AYALA family coat of arms carved in wood and on a wooden plaque heraldic wood

AYALA coat of arms carved on a shield | Made for a Spanish client

coat of arms van 't Hooft | wooden heraldry carved in wood

Coat of arms van 't Hooft | 
Carved for a US client

coat of arms on a panel | panel with crest carved

Family coat of arms
(Dubai) | ZADORA coat of arms

The HARR family coat of arms carved in wood (UK)

The HARR family coat of arms carved in wood (UK)

The BOON family coat of arms (Belgium) | coat of arms carved in limewood Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest

The BOON family coat of arms (Belgium) | 
Heraldic wood carving

The BOON family coat of arms (Belgium) | wooden heraldry custom made coat of arms Creation of a wooden family coat of arms

The BOON family coat of arms (Belgium)

Boon family coat of arms | Supraporte ornament coat of arms above a door

Coat of arms in wood |
Coat of arms above a door | Custom-made Supraporte ornament carved and painted 

CONCORDIA Peer, archery association Belgium

CONCORDIA Peer, archery association

Miniature coat of arms| The Gravestein family, The Netherlands

Miniature coat of arms| The Gravestein family, The Netherlands

Coat of arms of the city of Maaseik | city emblem carved in wood

Coat of arms of the city of Maaseik | City arms and emblems carved in wood

'De Roode Roos' Hasselt association from Belgium Wooden emblem for association Hitte Vercoelt Creation of a wooden arms

'De Roode Roos' Hasselt association from Belgium | Hitte Vercoelt

'De Roode Roos' association from Belgium | Exclusive emblem carved in wood

'De Roode Roos' association from Belgium

Heraldic statues and crests carved in wood

Heraldic statues carved in wood | Heraldic wood carving

Carving on the workbench Coat of arms for a Swiss client

Carving on the workbench
Coat of arms for a Swiss client

Caring on the workbench Coat of arms for a Swiss client | Supraporte carving

Caring on the workbench
Coat of arms for a Swiss client |
Supraporte carving

Coat of arms in white oak carved for a Swiss client | Supraporte carving

Coat of arms in white oak carved for a Swiss client |
Supraporte carving

The SWAALF family coat of arms (USA) carved in wood | heraldry in wood and gilded

The SWAALF family coat of arms (USA) | Coat of arms carved in limewood applied with heraldic colors

Merling coat of arms carved on a panel | wooden heraldry Creation of a wooden family coat of arms  Heraldic family arms

Merling coat of arms
(Sweden) | Crest or arms carved on a panel

Wooden coat of arms custom-made hand-carved  from Finland | The Lehtiö family coat of arms carved in wood high-end carvings

Wooden coat of arms for a client from Finland | The Lehtiö family coat of arms carved in wood

Wooden coat of arms cared in limewood | Lehtiö

Wooden coat of arms for a client from Finland | The Lehtiö family coat of arms carved and painted

SPAUWEN family coat of arms carved on a panel (Belgium) Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest Heraldic family arms

SPAUWEN family coat of arms carved on a panel
(Belgium) | Heraldic wood carving

Patrick Damiaens heraldic woodcarver sculptor | heraldic coat of arms carved in wood Creation of a wooden family arms

The NIJGH family coat of arms
( Netherlands) | Carved in wood

The NIJGH family coat of arms (The Netherlands) | coat of arms and crest carved in wood Creation of a wooden family arms

The NIJGH family coat of arms

FEVOLDEN family coat of arms (Norway) Coat of arms custom made in wood

FEVOLDEN family coat of arms
(Norway) | Heraldic limewood carving

FEVOLDEN family coat of arms (Norway) Coat of arms custom made in wood

FEVOLDEN family coat of arms
(Norway) | Heraldic limewood carving

Hiernaux coat of arms carved on a panel  (Belgium) Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest Heraldic family arms

Hiernaux coat of arms carved on a panel 
(Belgium) | Heraldic wood carving

The BAX family coat of arms ( Netherlands) | Heraldic wood carving

The BAX family coat of arms
( Netherlands) | Heraldic wood carving

Coat of arms carved on a cartouche | Cartouche carved in wood | handcarved Baroque Cartouche Coat of Arms Six van Hillegom

Coat of arms in wood |
Wooden coat of arms carved on a cartouche ornament | coat of arms Six van Hillegom (Amsterdam, NL)

coat of arms of poland | Polisch coat of arms carved in wood

Coat of arms of Poland  | Heraldry in wood

Polisch coat of arms Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest Heraldic family coats of arms carved in wood

Carved coat of arms | The heraldic Shield of Poland

NEUJEAN coat of arms | Miniature coat of arms made in wood

Carved for a Australian Family | The Neujean family coat of arms

Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel | Heraldic woodcarving |  Ashintully Castle and T Spaulding coat of arms

Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel | Heraldic woodcarving | 

Ashintully Castle and              T. Spaulding coat of arms

Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel | Heraldic woodcarving |  Ashintully Castle and T Spaulding coat of arms Creation

Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel | Heraldic woodcarving | 

Ashintully Castle and              T. Spaulding coat of arms | Small panels for a US client

Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel  | Coat of arms Hartland ( UK)

Coat of arms carved on a wooden panel  | Coat of arms Hartland ( UK)

The Joniaux family coat of arms (Belgium) Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest Heraldic family coats of arms

The Joniaux family coat of arms
(Belgium) | Heraldic wood carving

Coat of arms carved in wood and heraldic woodcarving we can carve your family crest in wood or on a panel of wooden

The Joniaux family coat of arms
(Belgium) | Heraldic wood carving

Family shield carved on a wooden panel and a heraldic banner carved in wood | Heraldic woodcarving shield and banner carved

Family shield carved on a wooden panel and a heraldic banner carved in wood | Heraldic woodcarving | Assignment for a Belgian client

Wooden heraldic shield | Heraldry carved on a panel | Coat of arms RICH (USA)

Wooden heraldic shield | Heraldry carved on a panel | Coat of arms RICH (USA)


Miniature family coat of arms carved in wood | Family Ciciarelli Detto Cicere (France) | Heraldic wood carving

Miniature family coat of arms carved in wood | Family Ciciarelli Detto Cicere (France)

Family coat of arms carved in limewood  | UT SEMENTEM FECERIS ITA METES | Assignment for a Belgian client

Family coat of arms carved in limewood  | UT SEMENTEM FECERIS ITA METES | Assignment for a Belgian client

Boyneburg- von Schönfels familienwappen | Coat of arms miniature carved in wood | heraldry in wood and assignments carved

Miniature family coat of arms carved in wood | Assignment for a German Client | Boyneburg - von Schönfels

Counts and Nobles zu Boineburg und Lengsfeld | Double headed eagle carved in wood | Geschnitzte doppeladler

German family coat of arms carved in wood | Double headed eagle carved in wood | Counts and Nobles zu Boineburg und Lengsfeld.


German family coat of arms carved in wood | Double headed eagle carved in wood | Counts and Nobles zu Boineburg und Lengsfeld

German family coat of arms carved in wood | Double headed eagle carved in wood | Counts and Nobles zu Boineburg und Lengsfeld.


Carved in wood this coat of arms for a Dutch family Creation of a wooden family coat of arms - crest Heraldic family arms

Family coat of arms carved for a Dutch family | Heraldic wood carving

Logo or emblem carved in wood |  wooden logo for restaurant or cafe Lievense in Breda

Wooden logo or emblem carved  |  Logo Café-Restaurant LIEVENSE in Breda ( Netherlands)


Logo or emblem carved in wood |  wooden logo for restaurant or cafe Lievense in Breda

Wooden logo or emblem carved  |  Logo Café-Restaurant LIEVENSE in Breda ( Netherlands)  Patrick Damiaens Heraldic Sculptor


Logo or emblem carved in wood |  Coat of arms carved in wood | McClintock family coat of arms (Florida, USA)

Coat of arms carved in wood | McClintock family coat of arms (Florida, USA )

Logo or emblem carved in wood |  Coat of arms carved in wood | McClintock family coat of arms (Florida, USA)

Coat of arms carved in wood | McClintock family coat of arms (Florida, USA )

Coat of arms from Belgium | Heraldry in wood - Heraldic limewood carving

Coat of arms of a Belgian family  | Heraldry in wood - Heraldic limewood carving


Coat of arms carved in wood | JUTEN family coat of arms | family coat of arms or crest carved in wooden Family shield

Coat of arms carved in wood | JUTEN family coat of arms (Belgium)

Blason bois sculpté | Duché d'Amerval | armoirie d'Amerval | heraldic shield carved in wood wooden shield carved and crest

Duché d'Amerval | Heraldic shield carved in wood for a French client. | Heraldry in wood


Coat of arms LEUTSCHER from The Netherlands | Heraldic arms carved on a panel, Dutch client | Heraldry in wood

Coat of arms LEUTSCHER from The Netherlands | Heraldic arms carved on a panel, Dutch client | Heraldry in wood


Coat of arms LEUTSCHER from The Netherlands | Heraldic arms carved on a panel, Dutch client | Heraldry in wood


Wooden logo or wooden emblem carved in wood | heraldic woodcarving  Drenth family  | custom made carving

Wooden logo or emblem, carved in limewood | Assignment for the Drenth family, Belgium.


Patrick Damiaens | Dethmer family coat of arms carved in wood | crest carved in wood | Heraldry in wood

Wooden logo or emblem, carved in limewood | Assignment for the Drenth family, Belgium.


Family coat of arms carved in wood, heraldic wood carving | Coat of arms Vanhanen, Finland | Crests carved in wood

Wooden family coat of arms | Coat of arms Vanhanen ( Finland) | Heraldry in wood


Family coat of arms carved in wood, heraldic wood carving | Coat of arms Vanhanen, Finland | Crests carved in wood

Wooden family coat of arms | Coat of arms Vanhanen ( Finland) | Heraldry in wood


Deed, notary stamp carved in wood | Notary Odink Utrecht, Netherlands | Logo notary Odink

Deed, notary stamp carved in wood | Notary Odink from Utrecht, Netherlands


Two smaller family Coat of arms  from Belgium | Heraldry in wood - Heraldic limewood carving

Two smaller family Coat of arms of a Belgian family | Heraldry in wood - Heraldic limewood carving


Pediments carved in wood for prayer cards Custom made for the crypt of Emperor Napoleon III


Pediments for prayer Cards | Custom-made for the crypt of Emperor Napoleon III  | Emperial crown Napoleon III

Family coat of arms carved into a cartouche | Stone look finish


Family coat of arms carved into a cartouche | Stone look finish

Coat of arms of Jeanne d'Arc |  Geraldry carved in wood  and carved shield of nobility  Jeanne d'Arc of France


Coat of arms of Jeanne d'Arc |  Heraldry carved in wood, Carved heraldic shield for a client in Texas (USA)

Family coat of arms Vergeylen | Heraldic shiled carved into wood & heraldry in wood


Coat of arms of  the VERGEYLEN family, from Belgium

Heraldic shield carved in wood Townson from canada


Heraldic shield carved in limewood, custom made for a Canadian client.

coat of arms of Liechtenstein |  The coat of arms of the ruling Prince of Liechtenstein


coat of arms of Liechtenstein |  The coat of arms of the ruling Prince of Liechtenstein

coat of arms of Liechtenstein |  The coat of arms of the ruling Prince of Liechtenstein


coat of arms of Liechtenstein |  The coat of arms of the ruling Prince of Liechtenstein

City of Mechelen ( Belgium) | City archive mold for a wax seal.

City of Mechelen ( Belgium) | City archive mold for a wax seal.

Coat of arms of the ELM family ( Australia)


Coat of arms of the ELM family ( Australia)

Carving a pediment for a mirror frame | Pediment with family coat of arms


Carving a pediment for a mirror frame | Pediment with family coat of arms

Carving a pediment for a mirror frame | Pediment with family coat of arms  mirrorframe with coat of arms


Carving a pediment for a mirror frame | Mirror frame with a coat of arms.

Carving a crest in limewood | Crest McClintock FL,USA


Carving a crest in limewood | Crest McClintock FL,USA

Carving a crest in limewood | Crest McClintock FL,USA


Carving a crest in limewood | Crest McClintock FL,USA

Heraldic shield carved in limewood, custom made for a US client.


Heraldic shield carved in limewood, custom made for a US client.

Family coat of arms Bellotti, Switzerland.


Family coat of arms Bellotti, Switzerland.

Family coat of arms A. TOWNSON  (Canada)  | coat of arms carved in wood


Personal coat of arms of A. TOWNSON  (Canada) 

The personal coat of arms of A. Townson and his son. (Canada)

The personal coat of arms of A. Townson and his son. (Canada)


Family coat of arms with shield holders, the LOENEN coat of arms from the Netherlands.

Family coat of arms with shield holders, the LOENEN coat of arms from the Netherlands.  

Family coat of arms with shield holders, the LOENEN coat of arms from the Netherlands.

Family coat of arms with shield holders, the LOENEN coat of arms from the Netherlands.  

Coatof arms carved in wood The van dievoet coat of arms

Coat of arms VAN DIEVOET family ( Belgium) 


Coat of arms 


Coat of arms  F. ENGELHARDT (Switzerland)

Coat of arms 


Heraldic shield BILLIET ( Belgium)  With and without heraldic colors

Heraldic shield BILLIET ( Belgium)  With and without heraldic colors


Coat of arms of H. Reijnders, Netherlands

Coat of arms of H. Reijnders, Netherlands


City coat of arms  RIJSSEN, Netherlands

City coat of arms  RIJSSEN, Netherlands


work in progress, a pediment for a painting frame.

Work in progress, a pediment for a painting frame. 


Gomes da Silav

Coat of arms Gomes da Silva, Portugal


Coat of arms of a Portugese client,  H. Gomes da Silva.

Coat of arms of a Portugese client,  H. Gomes da Silva. 


Coat of arms of Engelbaas, Netherlands

Coat of arms of Engelbaas, Netherlands


Coat of arms  S. LONGLUNE, Belgium | Heraldic shield carved in walnut.

Coat of arms  S. LONGLUNE, Belgium | Heraldic shield carved in walnut.


G3 Engineering  Company logo, Australia.


G3 Engineering  
Company logo, 

Coat of Arms Thornton, Austin TX,USA


Coat of Arms of 
Mr. M.Thornton, 
Austin TX,USA

Fully gilded ( 24 K) Coat of Arms of  Mr. M.Thornton,  Austin TX, USA


Fully gilded ( 24 K)
Coat of Arms of 
Mr. M.Thornton, 
Austin TX, USA

Heraldic shield of   an Irish Papal Knight, Northern Ireland.


Heraldic shield of  
an Irish Papal Knight,

Northern Ireland.

Heraldic shield of   an Irish Papal Knight, Northern Ireland.


Heraldic shield of  
an Irish Papal Knight,

Northern Ireland.

The coat of arms of F. Bernier, a customer from Canada.


The coat of arms of F. Bernier, a customer from Canada.

Detail of a    Dutch alliance coat of arms,  Da Silva-Everaert family Carved in Limewood.


Detail of a 
  Dutch alliance coat of arms,  Da Silva-Everaert family
Carved in Limewood.  

Heraldic shield, crown & crest Carved for a Dutch client.


Heraldic shield, crown & crest Carved for a Dutch client. 

Heraldic shield custom-made for a US client  ( Seattle Region)


Heraldic shield custom-made for a US client 
( Seattle Region)